Ing. Ir. Arjan Dingste dipl. Ing. ETH NDS works as an Director / Senior Architect at UNStudio. Since he joined the studio in 2001 he has been involved in on several key-projects such as the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart, the Arnhem Central Public Transportation Terminal in Arnhem, the Architectural Design for the Doha (Qatar) metro network as well as key projects in high-end residential design and interior design.
An integrated approach towards design management from the early project phases is combined with a wide spread experience in on later tendering and construction phases makes him seek a consistent design process bridging between strong organizational design models and an effective translation into (complex) built structures.
In UNStudio’s projects Arjan Dingste is responsible for the aesthetical, technical and managerial aspects mostly from the beginning of the design to the end of the building phases. He organizes the project teams, defines strategies and design input. He has intense contact with UN Studio clients, and advisors and manages external relations in balance with internal project coordination. HQ – Amsterdam HQ – Amsterdam
Green Cape Spa Resort – Batumi Mercedes Benz Museum – Berlin