28-30 September 2022
Lifecycles is a 3day festival of inspiration and innovation, focused on architecture, project and city development. A prime selection of innovators and experts will be presenting their experience and insights, with the aim of setting the agenda for the future.
More than 40 speakers will be presenting and discussing accross 3 days and 3 stages. Below are the confirmed speakers, check the program page for line-up per day and lecture topics.

Schedule & topics on the program page
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The curated program will be built around 6 topics, each one its own, but all connected to meet future challenges.

City Lifecycle
Cities will make our future
Today’s cities face many rapidly rising challenges and opportunities. Smart cities, urbanization, new mobility, sharing economy, affordable living and many more (r)evolutions cause for lifecycle and cross-generational thinking, and a vision for a liveable, sustainable, affordable and futureproof city development. The event will bring experts with different backgrounds to the stage.

Architecture Lifecycle
Life-cycle thinking is a holistic approach, vital for any future-proof design and construction process
The future is changing faster than ever before. Building concepts designed today, to be build in 3 to 5 or more years, require extensive research to guarantee their future relevance. Our speakers will address the past, the present and the future of architecture. A unique showcase of exquisite architectural interventions, combined with high-level research and very personal opinions.

Building Lifecycle
As materials become more sophisticated, so does architecture
From the design process to carbon footprint, clean energy and wood constructions. About futureproof engineering, meeting global challenges, sustainable construction materials, modular systems and more. The way we design and fabricate the built environment is more exciting and challenging then ever. Get inspired by the specialists of tomorrow.

Technology Lifecycle
“It’s time for architecture to catch up with technology” (Ben van Berkel)
The digital revolution is driving change in every part of our lives. The construction and design industry is rapidly discovering the potential of increased computational power to generate and fabricate buildings and objects, impacting the core principles of architecture and all involved materials. At the same time all levels of technology are used to create smarter cities that are safe, healthy and futureproof. Learn more about the future being built, today.

Community Lifecycle
Neighbourhoods and communities, like any living thing, have a lifecycle
The urban landscape is constantly transforming to meet the changing social, economic, environmental, natural and technological needs. Ageing populations, sharing economy, urbanization, religion, flexible homes, education… Improving the social dimension and creating societal value are vital elements in the process of urban regeneration and architecture. Let us share our vision on how to design, build and share our future homes, cities and neighbourhoods.

Environmental Lifecycle
Form follows environment
Buildings and construction play a major part in climate breakdown and biodiversity loss. For everyone working in the construction industry, meeting the needs of society without breaching the earth’s ecological boundaries will demand a paradigm shift in behaviour. Knowledge, research, vision and experiences will be shared, spread accross the 3 days of the event.
Why & who should attend?
The event is designed to appeal to architects, designers, engineers, project developers, governments, investors, entrepreneurs, press, students and other industry professionals. Business leaders, opinion formers, policy makers, media and anyone with an interest in the importance of architecture and how it can improve the world.
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